
age author description
10 days ago Paul Fisher Added tag v0.4.0 for changeset ec575bfd68cd
10 days ago Paul Fisher Reduce noise by oversampling a bunch! v0.4.0
10 days ago Paul Fisher Remove bogus license field from pyproject
10 days ago Paul Fisher Move to using Hatch and VCS-based version.
10 days ago Paul Fisher Added tag v0.3.1 for changeset 36ab505bc0a6
19 months ago Paul Fisher Bump version to v0.3.1. v0.3.1
19 months ago Paul Fisher Add a sleep immediately after opening the i2c bus.
2021-12-25 Paul Fisher Remove support for DHT22 to remove native dependencies.
2020-01-21 Paul Fisher Make weatherlog shutdown properly by handling SIGTERM.
2020-01-17 Paul Fisher Add a HTTP timeout, and verify the server response.
2019-10-18 Paul Fisher daemon: Change to executing from a config file.
2019-10-18 Paul Fisher logger: Actually pass the right type.
2019-10-16 Paul Fisher Add support for BME280 temperature sensor over i2c.
2019-10-16 Paul Fisher Make logger and HTTP writer more general and resilient.
2019-09-29 Paul Fisher daemon: Fail less ungracefully, bump to v0.1.0.
2019-09-29 Paul Fisher Create 'daemon.py', a runner to tie it all together.
2019-09-29 Paul Fisher http_writer: switch to "preamble" based location/password.
2019-09-29 Paul Fisher Add HTTPWriter, which actually writes over HTTP.
2019-09-29 Paul Fisher setup: Try adding setup_requires=wheel?
2019-09-29 Paul Fisher Fix setuptools/pip metadata to be consistent+complete.
2019-09-29 Paul Fisher add pip packaging metadata.
2019-09-28 Paul Fisher logger_test: Ensure it crashes when the file is locked.
2019-09-28 Paul Fisher Add remote logger class for eventual HTTP writer.
2019-09-28 Paul Fisher reader_test: use the value one up from the median when even.
2019-09-28 Paul Fisher reader: Use floor-division for list index.
2019-09-28 Paul Fisher reader: Actually throw ValueError from _last_stable.
2019-09-28 Paul Fisher reader: Fix attr order in Reading.
2019-09-28 Paul Fisher Create initial version of weather sensor reader.